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We’ve all seen those little cards in hotel bathrooms telling us what to do with our towels, just as we’ve all come to realise sustainability is so much more than this. Here, it starts with a simple philosophy – one that means you can consider The Harper among the more ethical hotels in the UK.

We believe that running a business is actually an opportunity to do good. We think ‘good’ simply means making a positive difference to people’s lives – now, and for future generations. It’s really about looking at everything we do through the lens of social responsibility.

For starters, the eco-conscious can sleep easy here. This little piece of Norfolk’s history couldn’t be more energy-efficient today. No gas is used, only biofuel, wood or electricity, even in the kitchen. Unusually, heating and hot water runs entirely on biofuel pellets. Low energy LED lighting is fitted throughout, and the pool’s heat exchange air circulation system regulates the air without pumping heat into the atmosphere.

With an abundance of growers and producers in Norfolk, we don’t rack up many food miles, but we also work with suppliers to further reduce our environmental impact.

Where there’s a way, we’ll use technology where others might use paper. No well-thumbed directories in our bedrooms, no printed bills (unless you specifically ask for one), and certainly no little cards in bathrooms. And while you’re recharging, so can your car. There are PodPoint electric vehicle chargers (and Tesla rapid chargers) in the car park.

But what of responsibility beyond being ‘green’? As well as championing local suppliers, we’ve built a team of people, each working in a way that suits their lifestyle and desire for a healthy work-life balance. We’re committed to creating opportunity for our community, in a culture where people of all backgrounds can thrive – one that challenges the tired assumption that service and subservience are the same thing. Just as protecting the natural environment will have a positive impact on people’s lives, so too will supporting local livelihoods with fair pay and conditions, and kick-starting careers that turn lives around.

So what other green actions can you expect to find at The Harper?

– Our pods come from a British supplier (not Nespresso themselves) because they’re compostable rather than being made of metal. Buying British also means we can keep supply mileage to a minimum

– We source as much food as we can locally, which tends to make it more expensive (but worth it!). Catch of the day for example is provided by North Norfolk fishermen working sustainably, and when we buy meat, it’s the whole animal so we can use as much as we can – think sausages, biltong, and lots of lovely broth and jus

– We don’t cook on gas – our kitchens use electricity (generated in part by the windfarm you’ll be able to spot from the beach on a clear day) and wood (which we source locally and sustainably)

– Wood is also used instead of gas in our various stoves, fire pits and log burners, all fuelled using locally and sustainably grown timber

– We avoid using paper wherever possible. You won’t find a dog-eared directory in your room either (there’s a QR code for this)

– We don’t serve draft beers because they generate large amounts of waste. They also necessarily restrict the breadth of our selection. If you really do prefer your pint pulled, we can recommend a couple of lovely local pubs (The Langham Blue Bell and The Morston Anchor) where you’ll find some excellent ales on tap.

– We don’t change sheets and towels every day (unless it’s a special request) because doing so is unnecessarily harmful to the environment

– The same goes for single use plastic, so you won’t find cotton buds and shower caps wrapped in plastic in your bathroom

– Toiletries are organic and supplied in large ceramic bottles to minimise plastic use. Consequently, you won’t go home with any of those little plastic shampoo bottles, though the ceramic ones are available to buy if you wish

– We don’t think you really need branded slipper bags, remote control bags, hairdryer bags, and the like. They don’t help you feel at home, and producing and laundering them doesn’t do the environment any favours

– We restrict the in-room temperature controls so that the heating and air conditioning can’t both be on full, with the windows open, at the same time

– We have biomass boilers for heating and hot water

– We’ve provided plenty of EV charging points in the car park

We want good times and doing good to go hand in hand at The Harper. It’s a small hotel, but when it comes to making a positive difference, size most certainly isn’t important.